
Donald Trump Reacts To Blasey Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing

President  Donald Trump  tweeted his support of   Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh  Thursday after Kavanaugh testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee to address Christine Blasey Ford ’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her. Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote. The president was noticeably silent on Twitter throughout the daylong hearing, during which both Blasey and Kavanaugh offered tearful testimony. Immediately after the hearing ended, Trump called Kavanaugh’s testimony “powerful, honest and riveting,” while calling Blasey’s accusations part of a political tactic by Democrats.  He echoed Republicans like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who during the hearing went on a tangent about Bl

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Enkuan Aderesachihu


Erdogan defends footballer Ozil ahead of Germany trip

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has defended Mesut Ozil, a German footballer with Turkish roots who has faced criticism for posing in photos with Turkey's leader. Ozil, 29, quit international football in July, citing "racism and disrespect" towards him in Germany over the photos. But President Erdogan said: "Should we lynch a German player who plays in our country when he takes a photo with Frau Merkel [the German chancellor]?" Mr Erdogan will visit Germany this week to try to mend strained bilateral ties. In March 2017,  Mr Erdogan compared German officials to Nazis . The insult came after German authorities cancelled rallies he had hoped would woo ethnic Turkish voters in Germany ahead of a key referendum which he won. Berlin has also criticised Mr Erdogan over his crackdown on political opponents following a coup attempt in Turkey in 2016. German furore over Erdogan football photos Ozil quits Germany over 'racism and disrespect' Erdogan: Turkey

US-Iran: John Bolton warns Iran of 'hell to pay' if crossed

US National Security Adviser John Bolton has warned Iran's rulers that there will be "hell to pay" if they harm the US, its citizens or allies. His comments came hours after President Donald Trump accused Iran of sowing "chaos, death and destruction" across the Middle East. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani responded by criticising the Trump administration for its hostility. The US recently imposed sanctions after leaving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Iran nuclear deal: Key details What sanctions on Iran mean Reality Check: Who does business with Iran? The accord, negotiated by former President Barack Obama, saw Iran limit its nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief. The remaining signatories are standing by the deal. The UK, China, France, Germany and Russia say they will set up  a new payment system to maintain business with Iran and bypass US sanctions . US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned the plan as "one of the most c

Asqign shiweda


