
Ethiopian Airlines Makes First Ethiopia-Eritrea Flight Since Border War Began in 1998

July 18, 2018, at 3:35 a.m. Ethiopian Airlines Makes First Ethiopia-Eritrea Flight Since Border War Began in 1998 Ethiopian Airlines staff prepare their plane as they resume flights to Eritrea's capital Asmara at the Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia July 18, 2018.    The first Ethiopian Airlines flight from Ethiopia to Eritrea in 20 years departed Addis Ababa early on Wednesday, marking the resumption of flights between the two neighbors who ended their “state of war” last week. Since signing an agreement in Asmara on July 9 to restore ties, the leaders of Eritrea and Ethiopia have moved swiftly to implement concrete signs of a stunning rapprochement that has swept away two decades of hostility since conflict erupted over a disputed frontier in 1998.

National Intelligence and Security Agency in Ethiopia (NISA)to purge employees with political affiliation

July 17,2018 National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) new director, Adem Mohammed who used to be head of the Ethiopian Air Force, announced today that employees of the agency who happen to have political affiliation to any political parties in the country are either to end their political affiliation or quit as employees of Ethiopia’s intelligence agency. The decision seems to be informed by experiences that made the entity suffer from public trust in the past on grounds of political affiliation and the need to make it a neutral entity committed to the cause of National security, according to Adem Mohammed who is cited by pro-government media in the country. The director admitted that capacity building is among the focus areas of the reform to enhance the capability of intelligence officers to effectively deter internal and external danger to Ethiopia. Restructuring the agency is also considered as a means to accomplish the mission in line with the goals of the agency.

Ethiopian Airlines is acquiring 20 % shares from Eritrean Airlines as the relation between the two countries restores to normalcy. Ethiopian Airlines _ Eritrea

No detail was known about the deals between Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean president Isayas Afeworki who visited Eritrea and Ethiopia respectively in a span of one week time. Today, Government Communications Minister, Ahmed Shide dislosed one of the deals in the areas of economic cooperation. He tweeted Ethiopian Airlines, the largest and most competent carrier in the continent, is purchasing 20 percent share from Eritrean airlines. View image on Twitter

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PM Abiy Ahmed talk with Ethiopian Muslim community

PM Abiy Ahmed held a meeting yesterday with rival groups within the Ethiopian Muslim community with the intention to initiate effort to reconcile the groups. And it looks like he had a remarkable achievement in the getting the groups to talk to each other with the objective to resolve their dispute unlike the case by the administration of his predecessor which was rather trying to use one group against the other. A committee is formed, apparently recommended by the prime minister himself, to resolve the dispute between Ethiopian Islamic Affair Council and Committee for the solution of Ethiopian Muslim Affairs. The prime minister’s office officially disclosed that government arbitrated the two groups standing on the principle of neutrality. A report by state media says that initially the prime minister met the two groups separately and then they held a meeting together. The result was that they reached to a point where they agreed to leave their acrimonies behind, apologizing to