TPLF retreat from recent emergency meeting statement

TPLF_ Debretsion
Jully 18, 2018
As the reform agenda of prime minister Abiy Ahmed administration gets bolder, Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) called an emergency meeting in Mekelle and issued a statement upon completing it.
It sounded more like an ultimatum not only against the “new” government but also against member parties of the ruling coalition whom TPLF linked to betrayal of the ideology of the party, revolutionary democracy.
Among other things, TPLF condemned EPRDF Executive Committee economic decision to privatize major public enterprises and unfinished projects asserting that the decision will not bring about lasting solution to the economic crisis in the country. It also boldly stated that the economic crisis, including chronic foreign currency shortage, could rather be resolved in a durable manner by adhering to revolutionary democracy and developmental state principles.
In the political front, TPLF appeared as it is frustrated by the decision relating to restoring normalcy with Eritrea by accepting the December 2000 Algeris Peace Agreement in all its forms and working towards its implementation. What it did not like about ,claimed TPLF, is that the decision could have been announced after consultation with stakeholders and community members in the border area.

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