Passenger plane crashes into Pacific lagoon after missing runway in Micronesia

All 47 people on-board the Air Niugini flight survived after the plane crashed into the sea near the island of Weno in Micronesia.
An Air Niugini plane overshot a runway in Micronesia and ended up in the ocean
A passenger plane has crashed into the sea after missing the runway of a tiny Pacific island - with everyone on-board surviving.
The Boeing 737-800 plane was attempting to land at Chuuk Airport on the remote island of Weno in Micronesia but ditched in a lagoon at about 9.30am local time (12.30am UK time).
Images posted online showed dozens of people on boats surrounding the wreckage as they attempted to rescue those on-board the Air Niugini plane.
All 36 passengers and 11 crew members escaped without any serious injuries, officials said.
Jimmy Emilio, general manager of Chuuk Airport, said the plane landed about 150 yards short of the runway and the cause of the crash was unclear

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