Trump contradicts CIA findings that MBS ordered Khashoggi murder

Jamal Khashoggi was murdered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 [Bandar Algaloud/Courtesy of Saudi Royal Court/Handout/Reuters]
US President Donald Trump has contradicted the CIA's assessment that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, insisting that the agency had "feelings" but did not firmly place blame for the death.
Last week, senior intelligence officials from the US spy agency said that such an operation would have needed the approval of Prince Mohammed, also known as MBS, the kingdom's de facto leader.
Citing vehement denials by MBS and King Salman, Trump defended the Saudi monarchy on Thursday, saying they did not commit "this atrocity".
"I hate the crime, I hate the coverup. I will tell you this: The crown prince hates it more than I do, and they have vehemently denied it," Trump said.
Asked who should be held accountable for the death of Khashoggi, who was killed at the Saudi consulate in Turkey on October 2, Trump again refused to place the blame - instead espousing a grim view of the world that he often shares with advisers.
"Maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a vicious place. The world is a very, very vicious place."
He also seemed to suggest that all US allies were guilty of the same behaviour, declaring that if others were held to the standard to which critics have held Saudi Arabia in recent days, "we wouldn't be able to have anyone for an ally".

Giving Saudi a pass

Khashoggi, a contributing columnist for the Washington Post, was killed when he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 to obtain a document certifying his divorce
A critic of MBS, Khashoggi had resisted pressure from Riyadh for him to return home.
Saudi Arabia initially rejected its officials were behind the killing, but as Turkish authorities continued to leak evidence of high-level involvement, Riyadh eventually backtracked and admitted that he was killed by "rogue" operatives.
Turkish officials have said the killing was intentional and have been pressuring Saudi Arabia to extradite those responsible to stand trial.
Critics in Congress and high-ranking officials in other countries have accused Trump of ignoring human rights and giving Saudi Arabia a pass for economic reasons, including its influence on the world oil market.

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