Ukraine to limit entry of Russian men aged 16-60

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has announced on Friday through social media platforms that the country would restrict the entry of Russian males aged 16-60.
"These are measures to block the Russian Federation to form detachments of private armies here, which in fact are representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation," Poroshenko said.
"And not allow them to carry out the operations that they tried to conduct in 2014," he added.
The move came after Poroshenko declared martial law in several Ukrainian regions near the Russian border after Russia fired on and captured three Ukrainian naval ships off Crimea last weekend.
Russia: No plans to ban entry to Ukrainian men
Russia does not plan to ban Ukrainian men from entering the country in a tit-for-tat response, RIA news agency cited a Russian lawmaker as saying on Friday.
Ukraine and Russia have blamed each other for last Sunday's clash at the Kerch Strait through which ships have to pass to reach Ukrainian ports at Berdyansk and Mariupol.
It prompted Ukraine to introduce martial law for a period of 30 days from Wednesday in regions of the country thought most vulnerable to a Russian attack. Poroshenko has requested NATO to deploy ships to the area.

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