Father who regularly confronted drug dealers killed in mass brawl on estate

A parent who died after a mass brawl often confronted drug dealers on his estate, his father has said.
Ian Tomlin, 46, was killed in Battersea, southwest London, after police were called to a group fighting in a communal area at around 5.30pm on Wednesday.
Mr Tomlin, who is reported to have sustained stab wounds to the neck and head, was pronounced dead 45 minutes after paramedics arrived at the scene.
By the time police reached the block the attackers had fled.
Police at the scene in Charlotte Despard Avenue, Battersea
Image:Police at the scene in Charlotte Despard Avenue, Battersea
Mr Tomlin's father, Cecil, paid tribute to him as a "great father" and a man who "never had a problem with anyone and wouldn't start fights".

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