Piers Morgan Turns On ‘Coward’ Trump, Tells Him To ‘Grow A Pair’ On Gun Control

British TV host Piers Morgan, often a defender of President Donald Trump, is now calling him out over gun control
Stop being such a coward, Mr. President,” Morgan wrote in an editorial for the Daily Mail. “You can’t pretend to be tough and strong on safety, yet turn a blind eye to this insane AR-15 Groundhog Day.”
The gunman in Saturday’s mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue was armed with several weapons, including an AR-15, which has been used in other mass shootings. 
Trump called for more armed guards at synagogues in response. Earlier this year, after 17 people were killed in a mass shooting at a Florida high school, Trump suggested arming teachers
Morgan slammed that proposal as Trump’s “default position on every mass shooting now,” adding that it’s “the preferred rhetorical template of his paymasters at the NRA, who deliver him big votes and big money.” 
Then Morgan listed many of the recent mass shootings that have involved the same weapon, writing: 
“The reason why all these shooters used an AR-15 is simple: they’re light, easy to use, and specifically designed to kill as many people as possible in the shortest possible time, and in the most appallingly devastating way.”
Morgan pointed out that “a certain New York businessman” backed the 1994 assault weapons ban signed into law by President Bill Clinton
“That was YOU, Mr Trump,” Morgan wrote. “In 2000, you were unequivocal: ‘I support the ban on assault weapons.’ You were right then, and you’d be right now.” 
Then, he urged the president to take action. 
“AR-15s have no place in ANY civilized society,” he wrote. “Grow a pair, and ban them.”
Morgan, a former winner on Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice,” has been generally favorable toward the president. However, he has also been a strong advocate for gun control, a position that is at odds with the president. 

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